Holidays can be hard on Seniors, but with a few proactive measures and a willingness to change some traditions, seniors can stay healthy and follow their diets, while also having fun with their family members during holiday season. The elderly sometimes miss out on family activities, or are excluded from fun events due to misconceptions about their age and abilities.

Health and wellness

While the holidays are filled with joy and family time for many, the season can also be a lonely time for seniors, Providing seniors with enriching activities provides many mental health benefits, including lifting a person’s mood and increasing a sense of self-reliance and purpose.

5 ways in making the holidays more fun and enjoyable for seniors

  • Try reaching out to their loved ones & connect with them virtually
  • Special gifts
  • Party or  help them make new friends.
  • Prepare a favorite meal or recipe
  • Spend time looking through family photo albums.