End Of Life Signs

Although hospice provides your loved one with end of life care, the exact time his or her life will end is nearly impossible to predict. for some patients death comes rather abruptly and for others it follows a long period of gentle decline. while every individual is unique, the following symptoms may indicate the patient is approaching the end of their life.

  • Increased sleepiness as well as drowsiness or unresponsiveness while awake.
  • Decreased interest in socialization.
  • Involuntary movement or loss of natural reflexes. Patients also sometimes grasp at their clothing or bedsheets.
  • Confusion about the time or their location or the identities of people around them ( including loved ones). a patient might also speak to look at people who aren’t really there.
  • loss of appetite and difficulty in chewing and swallowing.
  • Urinary and or fecal incontinence
  • Decreased urination and urine tends to be in darker color too.
  • Decreased circulation in the limbs which can cause the skin to take a bluish tinge or  feel cooler than normal.
  • Increased pain this goes hand in hand with a lack of response to pain medication.
  • Difficulty breathing



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